AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT allows landowners to improve crop and livestock productivity by effectively managing the water on their land.

Farmers and ranchers have been working hard to find innovative solutions to manage their water and use responsible drainage techniques that will protect neighbouring farms, municipal infrastructure, communities and the environment. 

It requires a big-picture approach to consider the impact of every agricultural water management project on a local watershed. It takes hard work and collaboration to reduce flooding and maintain strong water quality and wildlife habitat — one of the many strengths of the agricultural community.

AS PART OF THE AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, all new and existing drainage works require approval.

Most agricultural drainage has impacts on flooding, water quality and habitat. Approved drainage takes steps to reduce these impacts while balancing the economic needs for farmers and ranchers.

To that end, the new regulations require that…

All drainage works need an approval regardless of when they were built.

Landowners are able to operate their drainage works for the term of the drainage approval.

Impacts from drainage will be reduced through mitigation conditions on approvals.

  What is the new agricultural water management strategy?


About The Water Security Agency

The Water Security Agency is a unique organization in Canada – bringing together the majority of the Saskatchewan government’s core water management responsibilities in one place. The Agency manages the province’s water supply, protects water quality, ensures safe drinking water and treatment of wastewater, owns and manages 69 dams and related water supply channels, reduces flood and drought damage, protects aquatic habitat and provides information about water. The Water Security Agency also represents Saskatchewan on transboundary water issues.