RM’s and Drainage Approvals

RMs administer lands on behalf of the Ministry of Highways.  When drainage works are located within RM controlled lands, the RM is responsible for those works, including any associated approval requirements or liability.

RMs may be obligated to consider granting land control and applying any necessary conditions for drainage projects. 

Landowners seeking approval for drainage works may ask the RM to agree to give them land control for drainage across a road allowance.

An RM may grant land control in one of two ways:

  1. Become a joint applicant to the drainage project: The RM may sign the application and become one of the applicants. By signing the application the RM is consenting to the project and granting land control for the term of the approval. 
  2. Provide written land control: The RM may pass a resolution granting land control for the project and provide a letter to the applicant documenting the resolution. 

RMs may also be asked to provide land control for organized drainage works associated with Conservation and Development Associations or Watershed Associations. In these cases, RMs should ensure that the obligations for maintenance of any drainage works are documented in writing.

If an RM modifies a culvert (e.g., lowering) or roadway in such a way as to alter the spill elevation of a wetland or divert the natural flow of water then a drainage approval is required.